Understanding Portfolio Management

Portfolio management is a critical, and often overlooked, process for organizations looking to achieve their strategic goals efficiently. It involves selecting and managing a collection of projects and programs in a way that aligns with the organization’s objectives, maximizing returns, and balancing risks. A lot of what I see is what I refer to as bottom up portfolio management where companies simply keep approving projects, stuffing them together and calling that portfolio management – it isn’t. Portfolio management is a deliberate and considered process to decide which projects from all the possible projects you can do, get approved, deciding which projects will be done this year pr next, prioritising them, and understanding risks to the entire portfolio.

What is Portfolio Management?

Portfolio management is the management of programmes and projects to achieve strategic objectives. A portfolio is a collection of projects, programs, and operational work that are grouped together to facilitate effective management to meet strategic business objectives. You can have a single portfolio for an organisation, or portfolio per business unit that make up the entire organisational portfolio. Good portfolio management involves evaluating the potential investment potential of projects and ensuring they align with the organization’s goals, capital availability, and resource capacity.

Done well, portfolio management provided a range of organisational and project benefits, such as:

  1. Strategic Alignment: Ensures that all projects and programs contribute directly to the organization’s strategic goals and can be mapped back to them.
  2. Optimal Resource Utilization: Helps in the efficient allocation of resources across various projects and an understanding of resource constraints on your ability to deliver.
  3. Risk Management: Provides a comprehensive view of risk across the portfolio, enabling better risk management strategies that are more than an aggregate of project risks.
  4. Informed Decision-Making: Facilitates transparent, accountable, and defensible decision-making processes where pet projects, political pressure, or simple dub luck would otherwise inform portfolio decisions making.
  5. Improved Performance: Enhances the likelihood of project success and the overall performance of the portfolio.

Effective portfolio management begins with a clear understanding of the organization’s strategic direction, so you need a clear, relevant, and documented strategy. Once you have this, the organization can break these strategic goals down into quantifiable drivers, Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that can be prioritized so you know which are the most important to the organisation. These metrics then provide a framework for evaluating and prioritizing projects based on their potential to drive the organization towards its strategic goals the fastest and with most confidence.

Here is a broad outline of a framework for good portfolio management:

  1. Defining Strategic Goals: Clearly outline the strategic goals of the organisations and then you can use this information in the business case (or whatever you call it) of each project to ensure that you are choosing projects that deliver organisational strategy. Project management is often referred to as a strategic enabler because you often deliver strategy by approving projects.
  2. Establishing Evaluation Criteria: Develop criteria for evaluating projects, including alignment with strategic goals, and appropriate financial and non-financial criteria.
  3. Quantifying Drivers, OKRs, and KPIs: Prioritize these metrics to identify the most important drivers for the organization.
  4. Project Evaluation: Each project must clearly describe how it will meet these strategic goals. This includes outlining the expected benefits, capital requirements, and resource needs.
  5. Aggregating Data: Combine the information from individual projects to understand the overall portfolio’s needs and constraints.
  6. Prioritization and Selection: Use the evaluation criteria to prioritize and select projects that provide the best strategic fit and value for the organization. Have a clear list of approved, deferred, and unapproved projects.

For portfolio management to be effective, all decision-makers within the organization should understand its principles and processes. Making sure that everyone involved in portfolio management as a decision maker or advisor has training in portfolio management can make sure that everyone involved has the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions that align with the organization’s strategic goals.

If you do invest in good portfolio management you can expect the following impacts, all of which are good for the organisation and individual projects:

  1. Transparent Decision-Making: Enables defensible and accountable prioritization of projects.
  2. Strategic Focus: Helps identify which projects will deliver the strategy the fastest.
  3. Resource Management: Provides insights into trade-offs and impacts of cost, resource, and time constraints between projects.
  4. Success Rates: Leads to more successful delivery of projects, programs, and the entire portfolio.

On a practical level, as a consultant, if I worked with you I I would expect to see a complete wish list of all your programmes and projects with consideration given to the availability of funds to complete the works aligned with the availability of resources to complete the work, and an assessment of interdependencies between the projects. I would expect to see a list of approved projects and their status, along with a list of deferred projects and the reason they were deferred, and also the list of unapproved projects. I would expect to scenario planning to takes into account baselines against different possible future scenarios and this forms the basis of your portfolio risk management (which is more than simply aggregating individual project risks).

I know this may sound sensible to a lot of people reading this but you would be surprised at the percentage of organisations I work with that do not have this, do not understand the benefits, and simply put it in the too hard basket. These are the same organisations that tolerate the majority of their projects failing, or making delivery promises that they can’t keep, or not knowing how many projects are actually in their portfolio. 

And is this difficult? No, all good and reputable project management software can do this. It doesn’t need to be specialised portfolio management software. Start by committing to learning what good portfolio management is, get some training and education in the area, and then start putting in place actual top down portfolio management processes and practices. Your organisation and your projects depend on it.

Note: It’s worth noting that there is an ISO standard for portfolio management, ISO 21504:2015, which provides guidelines for effective portfolio management and ensures that organizations have a structured approach to achieving their strategic objectives.

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