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Please feel free to browse and download any of these resources. If there is something else you want us to upload just send an email.

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Project Management Practitioner Competency Framework Development

Here is a recording I completed of the presentation I gave at the PMI New Zealand Conference on Developing a Project Practitioner Competency Framework (CLICK THIS LINK): the passcode to watch it is: F?345+2Q

Here is the generic competency framework I refer to that you are free to use.
Crystal Consulting Project Manager Competency Framework (Let me know if you want to Excel scoring sheet that can be used with this)

Maturity Assessments

Here are two project management maturity assessments you can use to get insights about the strengths and weaknesses of your organisation:

Crystal Consulting 3PM Maturity Assessment

P3M3 Self-Assessment Tool

If you want to know more about a full diagnostic P3M3 assessment just send us an email.

Crystal Consulting Project Management Consulting and Training PMP Exam Prep

Books & Webinars

Some useful reference books and webinars:

Practical Project Management Textbook – a simple concise book that covers all of the profession of project management

PMP Exam Study Guide – this is a complete guide to help you study for the PMP exam – updated to align with 2021 updates and PMBOK 7th edition

All of Seans online Project Management Training modules

Everything You Are Doing Wrong in Project Management (and How To Fix It) – a recorded presentation of common errors

Better Project Planning and Estimating – a webinar with some great tools to improve your estimates

How to Build a Competency Framework – a webinar with tips and instructions on how to build a project practitioner competency framework

How to Build a Methodology – a webinar that shows you how to use our card game to build your own methodology