Portfolio management is a critical, and often overlooked, process for organizations looking to achieve their strategic goals efficiently. It involves selecting and managing a collection of projects and programs in a way that aligns with the organization’s objectives, maximizing returns, and balancing risks. A lot of what I see is […]
Strategic Management
Before any project makes it into the approved portfolio of projects it must go through a rigorous project selection process. The project selection process starts with all potential projects having to go through a rigorous, repeatable and appropriate selection process. There are a few exceptions. In the normal course of […]
In the same way that project management practitioners can be described as beginner, intermediate or advanced, organizations can also be described as having low, medium, or high levels of project management. These levels of project management reflect the level of organizational project management maturity (OPMM). Knowing the level of OPMM […]
Total Quality Management (TQM) is an accepted part of quality management and customer satisfaction in many organizations. While it has a broad range of interpretation and application, it has some consistent principles which define it. They are: Everyone in the organization recognizes that quality is central to organizational success Everyone […]
** Please email me for a copy of the card deck that you can print out to start brainstorming your own methodology As a project management consultant I have often been asked to provide clients with an off-the-shelf, or readymade, project management methodology. In one sense this is good thing […]
Have you ever played the game of dominos? I did many years ago and I was never very good at it. If you remember the game, it involves trying to place your dominoes in some sort of order to block and beat your opponent. The other great thing you can […]
Here is a link to the White Paper and research Sean wrote for the Project Management Institute (PMI) about the organisational benefits of tailoring, or customising, your own project management methodology. Benefits_of_Tailoring_Final
Are you a little confused by all these project management documents and credentials you keep stumbling across in your quest to understand the profession and further develop yourself as a project manager? Well I’m going to try and explain the situation to you so you understand exactly what a standard, […]